Monday, January 12, 2009

The Value of Saving

I had promised Victoria and Brandon that if they helped me save up change and keep the house clean that once a month we would use the saved money to either go out to eat at a nice restaurant or go to the movies. Well this has been going well and Brandon looks forward to going to the bank to use their version of a coin star (at the bank they don't charge). Today someone was using the machine when we walked in so I told Brandon to wait. We ha been there for a few minutes when the man said to one of the ladies at the bank it isn't working. So the lady comes over and ask f he had put anything in the machine other than change and his reply was some screws may have fell in. At this the lady in the bank was obviously irritated and pulled all of his change back out of the machine and told him to sort it before he put it back in. Well leave it to my son to say something smart, he said" even I know you only put change in it, duh!" At this the lady from the bank chuckled and I turned red. I guess kids do always tell it like it is.

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